Tuesday, December 10, 2013

No More Excuses

It is part of the human condition. We tend to trust our own capabilities outside of God.  I know it has happened to me. I used to get so confident in my education, career, and other abilities that I did not give credit or trust the one responsible for blessing me with the ability to achieve them, God. In a society that encourages self-sufficiency, it is almost strange to admit we have limitations, weaknesses, and insecurities. Sometimes, I have made excuses for it. But of course, that never works.
Let's be honest. There are some things we know we are able to do, whether negative or positive. But as we know from God's word, there is no good in this flesh. What do I mean? We have to be careful to not trust our flesh so much because it is not reliable and has its own weaknesses. We need to be transparent concerning our strengths and weaknesses in an effort to build a foundation for change, not for excuses.  Here's my belief...
 "I do not desire to be someone that is just operating in a gift with no anointing. And I do not possess the ability in myself to do what I do. I need God."
When you have complete confidence in God, then you have the assurance of having everything you need to be successful.  In 2 Timothy 1:7, the word of God reveals the tools to conquer any insecurities or fears we have: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." In having the power of God (His God-given ability), love (His character embodied in your actions), and a sound mind (His wisdom and stability), then it leaves little room for any excuses to overcome your fears. You have it all available to you through Him. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 
As we embark on a new year of 2014,  let us live life with no more excuses and be empowered to change...
(c) 2013  The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Know Your Place, Know Your Purpose

I remember as a child that sometimes my parents would tell me to "know my place." It meant that I was not to get involved with grown folks' conversation or be disrespectful. It was a directive to make sure I knew how to act appropriately in any given situation.

As I have grown and now have children of my own, I realize knowing your place is more than just doing what your parents told you. It is to have an awareness of who you are and your purpose in God. I have come to the understanding that knowing your place has its benefits. How so? You perceive your life with a different pair of eyes. Rather than looking at things negatively, you see them positively knowing that it is for your making for greater in your life. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

As long as I know that I love God, then He called me. Since I am called, He has already orchestrated everything to work for my good. That is the hope we can hold in our hearts through the storms of life. We have security in God in us because we know our place and our purpose to serve Him. Don't let life shake you up. Stand firm, and know your place.

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Be Still, My Heart...

When it comes to matters of the heart, I had my ups and downs. Yes, I allowed my emotions to get the best of me at times. When wisdom said to wait, my heart said go for it.  As a result, I had to endure the heartache, pain, and depression that followed.

I could say that the enemy led me to make these poor choices in love. But the truth is my heart played its own little game:  deception.  The word of God in Jeremiah 17:9 says,  "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" We, in ourselves, are not fully aware of all that is in our hearts.

Here's the good news. I remember that God has given me a comforter in the Holy Spirit. Just when I want to give into my feelings, I remember I have help.  "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." - John 16:13

I must admit that my heart has deceived me more often than not. But experience has taught me it is better to listen to wisdom and follow it. Be still with your heart. Do not go on your feelings. Let the Lord lead you into His truth.

(c) 2013 - The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I was at a job training out-of-town when I misplaced my cell phone. I became really nervous. The reason was my cell phone was my only line of communication to my family, work, etc.  Let’s just say I had a hard time focusing on my training. Fortunately, one of my co-workers located my phone and returned it to me.

Nowadays, you can do almost anything on cell phones. They have become a lifeline for some of us. But the Spirit of God reminded me that He is the greatest lifeline that never fails. Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples, realized it in Matthew 14:28-32. “And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”  And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

On the TV game show, Who Wants to Be An Millionaire, the contestant only gets three temporary “lifelines” that are not guaranteed. I am so thankful that we have a lifeline in Jesus Christ that is always available to reach out and touch.

(c) 2013  The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Beauty of Unselfishness

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." I have heard often said. As one's perception is their own reality, whatever they see as beautiful is what it is. As children of God, what should we see as beautiful?  Of course, true beauty comes from our heart reflecting the pure character traits of God. One of those character traits is unselfishness.  In a society, that encourages self-indulgence and self-preservation, the concept of unselfishness is not embraced by very many, even the body of Christ. How so? When you have a lot of Christians who have been hurt, it is somewhat difficult to be free to be unselfish toward others. But there are reminders in God's word of the importance of this beautiful character trait...

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Philippians 2:3

We are responsible for showing the love of Christ in our unselfish actions towards others. In esteeming them, you are not neglecting your own needs nor being forsaken. Truth is, God is aware of us and our needs. We have to be willing to firmly trust His love is enough. We can release ourselves in His love to free us to allow His beauty of unselfishness to shine through. "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;" 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

I know have benefited from the people with the unselfishness of God in my life. I will always be grateful for their self-sacrifice and generosity that were essential to the success of whom I have become. By the way, another word for unselfishness is freedom.   Be free to give, open to love, and share the beauty of God in whom you are.

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Razor Sharp

I was watching one of my favorite shows on the Food Network, Iron Chef. It is quite interesting to watch the best chefs in the world create culinary delights based off of one secret ingredient. Now, they have to use the best of cutlery (knives) to cut and dice to their liking. In order to stay on their "A" game, they have to continue to sharpen their skills as chefs. So it is as believers, we must do the same.

Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." God uses the interaction we have in godly friendship to help us grow in our spiritual lives. The word sharpen in this scripture comes from the Hebrew word "chadad" which means to "be sharp, alert, or keen." In order for us to be effective as believers in impacting each others lives is that we have to stay sharp in the word and in prayer.  How is the world going to truly know God if we choose to remain dull in how we represent Him?

One of the ways I discovered that God keeps us sharp is through correction. It is human nature for us not to want to receive correction because it does not feel good to our flesh. But even God said that this is way He shows His love and to not be discouraged when He corrects us for our good.

"...My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuke by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives." Hebrews 12:5-6

In other words, it is through correction that we can be sharpened in our thinking so that our lifestyle can purely reflect holiness. Your life should be a light that is so strong that it challenges those around you to see God in your life and cause them to look at their own lives differently. Here is the question I pose to my fellow believers, "is your life so razor sharp in God that it can cut between what is real and what is not? Or is it just as a dull as a butter knife with no kind of effect at all?

So with that being said, the sharper the knife, the better it is to use. Let's us be sure our lifestyle is so razor sharp that God can use us for his purpose and glory.

Blessings and love,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Friday, June 21, 2013

Making the Most of Leftovers...

Hello everyone...
It has been a while since I have written, but all things have a way of working together you know.

A few weeks ago, I was on a plane traveling to my annual training for my job. During this time, I was also fasting and praying for some things concerning the ministry and personally. As I was sitting there, the Holy Spirit spoke to me concerning the process of how olive oil is produced. He said the process of the olive oil is what makes it expensive. In order for the oil to come out, it must be crushed to the very core only leaving the oil.

The spirit of God said to me what God is looking for is to see if we are willing to endure the crushing process so that the true anointing of God can be produced in our lives. After all the trials and tribulations have seemed to have broken you to the very core of your being, God's question to me was: What do you have left? 

In the midst of your tears, pain, and struggle, do you still have a praise that is genuine in your heart? Are you still living according to your faith in God?  Do you have enough inside of you to press past all and move forward?  Even Job, a devout man of God, even knew the power of what he had left after all he endured. Look at Job 1:21...

"And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb,And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

I have learned that it is in my most broken place that my praise becomes the most powerful. It is in that place the power of the anointing of God has been wrapped up in my praise. It is in the crushing events of life that your praise and faith can truly be the most genuine. In those moments, we can be for certain that God is ever present to hear your heart's cry because it is coming from a pure place.

When you feel like you don't have enough to make it, dig a little deeper into the core of your soul and find another "Yes Lord" and faith to get through.

Here's a thought. Even some of the greatest food dishes were created from what was left over.

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's Good to Be A Strange Girl...

When I decided to start this blog, I thought I was taking a risk. I mean I knew I was always a different kind of person from the beginning even when I was younger.  Recently, I was at a Youth Pastor's appreciation at another church. When she was sharing her remarks, she mentioned about when she met me she thought I was a strange woman. At first, the word strange had a negative connotation in my mind. But then I thought, what about what God says about it in His word?...

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
- I Peter 2:9

Hmmm...Peculiar or should I say strange?

Strange (adjective)
1) not native to or naturally belonging in a place : of external origin, kind, or character
2) not before known, heard, or seen; unfamiliar; foreign;
3) exciting wonder or awe; extraordinary; 

So because of who God has purposed me to be and how He lives in my heart, it does make me strange, even peculiar. Even though I am in this world, I am not of it. The spirit of God that lives on the inside of me along with the beautiful personality He created in me is what makes me extraordinary, unlike anything or anyone else out there. I am unique. I am unfamiliar. I am strange in a very good way. Look, I am not bragging nor am I being conceited. It's just what I believe about me.

So thus, I have entitled this blog, The Chronicles of a Strange Girl. Hopefully with God's grace, I can help encourage other people to not be afraid to embrace their uniqueness as God has designed and anointed them to be. So be you. Don't be afraid to be strange. Be extraordinary, just like me! Besides, God did it on purpose anyway.

Please feel free to share your comments and feedback with me by posting here on the blog or send me an email at twannapg@gmail.com.

Blessings and peace,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Monday, May 27, 2013

Full Custody

In some legal situations, the court may order to have full custodial rights of a child to be given to either parent. Then the non-custodial parent can be given visitation rights if it is shown both parents are cooperative. However, there are some cases where the court may decide the non-custodial parent is not fit to have visitation rights such as being incarcerated, drug abuse and possibly other reasons.

Just as there is a judge that gives custodial rights in the courtroom, we as believers have a choice to give full custody of our minds to the Spirit of God or the spirit of the enemy. What do I mean?  Everyday, you decide what you allow to visit your mind. Whether is a new visitor or a recurring one in your thoughts, the question becomes what are you allowing in your mental space? And who or what are you giving full custody to when it comes to how you think?

Jesus addressed the issue about what we give our minds to even when we so concerned about life:  “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:31-34 (NKJV).

In my personal life, I had to learn that I do not need to waste time of past things that I can not change. The reason is my present day is already going to have its own share of issues. Why complicate things by revisiting or giving full custody of your thinking to your past? I mean really. That is the enemy's gateway to keep you in bondage and make it more difficult for you to have a sound mind.

Each and every day, we have to make decisions. It would make our lives much easier when we are mindful of what we allow ourselves to think. I am learning you make better decisions when your mind is free from any negative thoughts, feelings, etc. That is when you can be better be a better judge and decide to whom you should give your mind full custodial rights. Guess what? You (as I have learned too) must revoke the visitation rights of the enemy and give full custody of your mind to God. Truth is, God wants it all anyway.  He is the best custodian there is because He knows how to keep me in perfect peace whoever keeps his mind stayed on him (Isaiah 26:3). I don't know about you, but I need all the peace I can get every day. I am sure you do too. Peace and blessings...

(c) 2013 - The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Final Push...

Next month in June, my youngest son, Josiah will be turning 2 years old. It feels like yesterday when he was born into this life. I remember all the things I had to endure throughout my nine months of pregnancy: having surgery to prevent pre-mature labor, sleepless nights, feeling irritated and uncomfortable. However, I would not trade anything that I have been through. When the moment came on June 13th, 2011 in the evening, I felt the pressure. I felt like I was at my end because I was tired and exhausted from being up and down all day at the hospital. But within 30 minutes of pushing with all I had, I gave one final push that brought forth the beautiful gift of my son.

I am sure that you mothers out there can relate to my experience in some way. Even if you are not a mother or do not have children, there is a sound nugget of wisdom to take from this moment in my life.  When you have exhausted all options to help your negative situation be better, it seems like that would be the time to give up. You are at the point of no return. Rock bottom. There is no possible way to recover from it. Of course, this is the enemy's goal to make you think that there is no hope to overcome even the most difficult of situations that happen in our lives.

Jesus shares with His disciples in John 16:33 that in times of trouble that we should be happy. Really happy. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Even when we are at our lowest point in life, God is there. He has placed in us the strength of Christ to overcome anything. In fact, it is when you feel you do not have enough to go on that you dig deeper into the reservoir of your spirit and find the strength to make one final push. You have to be able to press past all that you have endured through being hurt, abused, sick, abandoned or whatever. You have to push past the resistance of the enemy to plague your mind with thoughts that it will always be this way. You possess the capacity to change it. Like me, I had to find a way to still keep looking up even when I was at my most broken in my heart. I had to find a way to believe God's word for real and take the power to overcome to push pass it all. Just like the glass ceiling, I finally broke through to the other side where the freedom and peace I longed for had been waiting for me.

So I pray that you all with find it in yourselves to not let life affect you to the point you feel you do not have enough to move on. Because of the overcoming strength found in Jesus, you do possess the power to give it one final push. So give it all you have. See how it feels when you get to the other side.

Peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Monday, May 6, 2013

Use Some TLC...

When I went to the dentist recently, they told me that I would have to have one of my wisdom teeth pulled because it had a huge cavity. I did explain to them that it has been two years since I had a cleaning or check-up. Now, if I would have been going to the dentist regularly and had been more mindful of how I brushed and flossed my teeth, I probably would not have had an issue with cavities.

But just as God requires us to be good stewards with our time, talents and treasures, he also asks of the same for our physical bodies. In other words, good stewardship is when you use some good ole' TLC(tender loving care) with everything that you do. My husband gave me some good advice. He said that God requires to be a good steward all-around. Whether it be in ministry, family, finances, vehicles, clothes or personal hygiene, we all have a responsibility as believers of God to be accountable and careful in our decisions, which is key is being a good steward.

I Corinthians 4:2 says "Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful" (NKJV)
From this passage, we can understand that a requirement of stewardship is faithfulness. And then that faithfulness also includes TLC because when one is faithful to something, it's important to them. And their actions show it. We also see that example in the Parable of the Talents when Jesus explained how the master rewarded each servant according to their faithfulness and care.

“So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’  His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’" Matthew 25:20-21 (NKJV)

So there are benefits in being a good steward of all the God has given you. But the critical part is that in being a good steward is the attitude of your heart. Use some TLC in all that God has given you responsibility to care for. It is what He desires.

Blessings and Peace from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

P.S.  This blog is dedicated in memory of my dear sister in the Lord, Elder Raychelle Gaston, who suddenly passed away last week. Love you sis. You will be missed...

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Flush the Toilet...

It has been a little while since I have written. But this strange girl has been up to a lot lately and it's all for God's glory.

One of my favorite rooms in the house is the bathroom. Why you might ask? It is the one place I can be alone to myself. I can spend time with God. Take a relaxing shower after exercising and so on. But one of things that I get to do is to mentally relieve myself and flushing my negative thoughts and feelings (i.e. stress, aggravation, frustration and the like) down the toilet. OK, I am not trying to gross anyone out. Let's think about it. When you have a healthy metabolism, your digestive system functions properly. It's breaks down your food so it can pass through your system. Any waste that is collected along the way is disposed by using the bathroom (whether it's a #1 or #2). On the opposite end, constipation can lead to you feeling very uncomfortable. It is also unhealthy because it could back up and possibly poison your internal organs and blood circulation.

Here is my point. Just like it is important to have a healthy digestive system to dispose waste out of our human bodies, we need to do the same when it comes to our spiritual and mental bodies. What do I mean? We need to have a daily in-filling (digestion) of the Holy Ghost and God's word to ensure a healthy metabolism in the spirit. So that your mind can quickly flush away any waste (or negative thinking). If you allow that waste to settle, it can poison your mindset can cause you to not believe the Word of God for what it really says. It can cause you to lose faith, have feelings of depression, choose to accept worldly standards as a way of living, or even compromise your witness for God.

Romans 12:1-2 says "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

In other words, it is so necessary to renew our minds with the Word of God and by His Holy Spirit leading and guiding us in all truth every day. It ensures us that we have a healthy digestive system in spirit, soul, and body. From my point of view, there are enough obese (overweight) saints that have received so much word. Now it is time to work that stuff out and get some spiritual fiber so you can be regular, LOL!!!. And then flush it all down the toilet...

Peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Night of Refreshing (Special post)

Hi everyone...
I just wanted all my blog followers to know about an upcoming event that I believe is going to be a blessing to those who can attend.  If you are in the Pensacola, FL and surrounding areas, we will be having a Night of Refreshing on Friday, April 19th, at 7:00pm.  Our guest speaker will be Co-Pastor Susie Owens from Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church, of Washington, DC.  For those who might not know who she is, this is a powerful woman of God who is real with the Word of God and her relationship with Him.  Just check out this video clip from Co-Pastor Susie Owens to see for yourself...

If you would like to experience this powerful teaching and preaching live and in person, please come to Alabaster Box Christian Ministries' Night of Refreshing, Friday, April 19th at 7pm. Services will be held at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 3438 N. Market St., Pensacola, FL 32505. We also have VIP packages that include preferred seating for $25 each.

For more information, please call (850) 529-3307, or email to: admin@alabasterboxcm.org, or visit our website at www.alabasterboxcm.org.  Also here is a link to the event on Facebook for you to sign up as well:  https://www.facebook.com/events/415980578480126/ . If you are unable to attend the event and would like to submit a donation, you can do so on our website.

"Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;" Acts 3:19

Blessings and peace from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Power of "Get Up"

Early one morning, I was leaving early to go to work. Everyone else in the house was sleep. It was still dark as night outside. I went to quietly go out the door that opens to the garage. It was very dark in there. I would have thought to turn on the light to see the steps leading to the floor of the garage. Well, silly me. I took a step with my right foot thinking the next thing I would touch is the concrete. But as if in slow motion, I fell forward missing the other two steps below and landed on my left knee and side, along with having both of my bags in tow hitting the floor too. Needless to say, I did not even scream or cry. I said "ouch" silently as I landed. The pain was great at the moment. So there I was laying on the concrete floor next to the laundry machines and the trash can on the other side. I thought for a moment that I should not be so quick to get up just yet.

Now, I had a choice to make. I could either lay there and cry out for help trying to draw unnecessary attention or feeling helpless. Or, I could take my time, slowly get up, and gently make steps to walk toward my car so I could drive to work. In that moment, the Spirit of God spoke to me and said "the power is not in how you fall. It is in getting up."

I realized that the objective of Satan is to keep us in a place of bondage to think we can't move beyond our past. I admit that I used to allow my past to control me for so many years. I was married twice before. To be honest, I did not think I deserved to be loved for real because how I was treated by the my ex-husbands. Through the verbal, mental, and physical abuse, infidelity, fear, and pain, I was an emotional case. I thought who would be able to love after two men decided to leave after all I thought I've done to be a good wife. But God helped me to realize that my ex-husbands did not possess the Heart of God to know how to love me as I needed to be. Truth is, you would not treat your spouse in a hurtful and harmful way if your heart is pure before God. I had to accept the fact that God did me a favor by releasing me from those relationships. It was clear that neither of my ex-husbands had no God at all in their heart. So, they did not possess the ability to love me unconditionally period. However, I allowed what they did to me to control how I viewed love. It affected my current marriage in the early years. My husband, who does have the Heart of God for me, was giving me what I needed but I did not know how to receive because I've been hurt so deeply.

It took a long time for this strange girl to come around to the fact to accept love as God designed. I did eventually forgive my ex-husbands for their indiscretions. It also took a while for me to change my mindset to not allow past experiences that knocked me down to imprison me. I mean to keep me from moving forward. We must be careful to not allow any negative thinking even when negative things happen. We have to make the choice to either stay down and let the devil beat us up about our mistakes and past things we can't change. Or, we can make the decision to believe that we can get up and use that power to move on and be productive in fulfilling the purpose of God. I found a game changer that has pushed me further into greatness. It's the "Power of Get-Up."

Proverbs 24:16 says "For a righteous man may fall seven times, And rise again..." The key word here is "rise". So even if you are a believer living holy as best as you can, you are even subject to fall. But there is hope in knowing that God has already given you the power to get up again.

So simply be encouraged. There is recovery after the fall. Use your power of "get up." And move on to enjoy the best days of your life. God is indeed turning it around for you.

Blessings and peace from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Deadly Co-Sign…

I have seen how Christians are so easy to co-sign on things in the world. It appears that society has certain standards dictating how we should live life. It seems some Christians feel like they are existing and not living only because they are missing out on all life can offer. But let me tell you. I have found that we, as the peculiar people of God, that we are not to look to the world for how we should live our lives. The standards are not the same.

I give you an example. In most recent news, the issue of same-sex marriage has risen all the way to the Supreme Court. Advocates who are for same-sex marriage believe they should have the same equal rights as of a heterosexual couple. According to a recent poll by CBS News,  53% of Americans support the legalization of same sex-marriages.

Check out this article from CBS News http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57576249/poll-53-of-americans-support-same-sex-marriage/.

So here is my concern. If Christians, (whether directly or indirectly) co-sign with the idea of marriage equality among same sex couples, it is dangerous path to follow. To be honest, we in the church have allowed homosexuality and lesbianism to become an acceptable lifestyle. OK, I know I am probably not going to get a lot of Amen's there. But it is all right. When it gets to the point that people are supporting churches that have a Pastor and a First Gentleman, something is wrong! It is like we have thrown out like a paper bag the foundational principles of our faith in God. And in our actions, we are saying it is all right to live any kind of way and God be OK with it. Well guess what? He is not.

As God's Strange Girl, one of the things I strongly believe in is standing up for what is right, even at the cost of standing alone.  It was when I started to embrace the standards of holiness in my life that things began to change for the better. Let me state for the record. I do love all people because I  have the Spirit of God in my heart for real. However, I can not and will not excuse a learned behavior like homosexuality or lesbianism when it is a sin just like any other. Just like Jesus, I am required to love the person but hate the sin.

As it says in Romans 6:23, "the wages of sin is death..." Church, when are we going to wake up and finally say that this is not holy and not pleasing to God? When are we going to stop co-signing with the world?  Let me help you to understand something. Even though you may not be committing the sin, but in your silence or by saying it is OK, you are co-signing with the sin. And according to the scripture, your wages for co-signing with sin is death. 

I challenge you people of God. Let's rise up and be the army of God that is not afraid to fight and maintain the standard of holiness. The Word of God says "marriage is honorable..." (Hebrews 13:4). Marriage that is between a man and woman that God has ordained to be together. It was God's original plan that He started in the beginning. He has not changed His mind. We must be careful not to co-sign with everything in the world. Our standards are different. They call for us to live outside of the box. But be encouraged. Through repentance, forgiveness, and restoration, God has a beautiful way of showing that you don't have to co-sign with the world in order to enjoy the fullness of life. For God is the source of life, isn't He?

Peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Release Me...

Have you ever thought about all the things you could have accomplished, but something was holding you back?  I know I have. In fact, there have been some areas in my life that I had yet to realize my fullest potential: dealing with family, career, ministry, life period. I sometimes felt like that I was not fully flowing in my gifts and talents in accordance to God's desire for my life. Bottom line, I did have some insecurities of my own. As I was in worship service, I heard God say he was breaking the chains. At that moment, I asked God to release me completely from all insecurities or any hindrances that could prevent me moving forward into God's purpose for my life. If He is a God of No limits, then there is no limit in all I can do for God.

Even the scripture says, "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

So let me extend a challenge to you:
What if you dare to trust God, yet again? I mean He is never a God who fails. You may have prayed and hoped for something, but maybe it was not the plan or desire of God for your life. Even if you lost your faith for a moment, what if you dare to believe again? Now knowing, there is no limit to what God can do. What if you just have faith again?

I must tell you. Ever since I made that decision, my life has significantly changed. How you might ask? My faith has been restored and along with it my strength. I am gaining more strength everyday the more I choose to believe.  Now, I know I can do all things in God's strength through faith. There are no limits to God. Because I know He has released me, He is willing and able to release you to live your best life and fulfill his desire for your life.

It is time to be released. Check out this video from  Israel Houghton and New Breed, No Limits.
Be encouraged family...

Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl...
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Need to Separate

Sometimes rejection is a good thing, especially when it pushes you closer to God. In the light of His wisdom, you realize that the people who rejected you were the ones that did not have the Heart of God for you in the first place. You really don't need them.

So in order to move forward into His purpose, you have to be willing to cut ties from what is unnecessary. What do I mean? There is a need to separate...
"And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine." Leviticus 20:26

If God has called you to greatness in Him, separation is a requirement. Just look at the stories of Abraham separated from his kindred to become the "father of many nations" (Genesis 12). Moses was separated at birth to become part of Pharoah's family and later called by God to be deliverer of the Hebrew people out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus 2). And even Joseph was separated from his brothers and sold into slavery but eventually become second in command to Pharoah and was key in being the deliverer of his family during a time of famine (Genesis 37).

Based on the Word of God, I now understand how I now know I was called to greatness. I was separated from my birth mother at 3 days old. Then, I was adopted by my father (now deceased) and mother, both Christian parents and Pastor and First Lady respectively.  After all the growing pains and experiences I had in life, it was all purposed for me to become great in God. Look at me now. I am a wife of a wonderful husband and Bishop, mother of three beautiful children, an Elder and Elect-Lady in the church, and a business owner, founder of a women's ministry, and also a blog creator/author.  Can you say WOW?!!!

Here is a lesson I learned.  If you are connected to people that seemed to be source of negativity and confusion in your life, LET IT GO! It does not matter if it is family, long time friends, or whatever. You have to decide what is more important to you as a servant of God. Is His purpose more important or preserving a familiar relationship? Really?  Family, we are living in a time that we can not afford to compromise our holy and obedient living.
Personally, I had to embrace the fact that sometimes that family does not love you like you need to be. I have learned (I am sure you have too...) that God can place people in your life to love you as He desires. They can treat you better than your own family. I know it's the truth. If anything, we learn that we should appreciate those who really love of us for real with God in their hearts (i.e. the ones who tell you the truth and still love you anyway :-)

In order to do so, you must come out from amongst them. Put an end officially to the confusion, distress, and the drama. It's time to separate and stand out for God...

Blessings and peace from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Thursday, March 14, 2013

All We Need is Love...

All we need is love, right? OK, that maybe true in its ideal essence. But let's be honest. What is real love? I am finding that real love has a balance of both toughness and tenderness. When I was growing up, my parents were both on opposite side of the spectrum when it came to child rearing. My father was extremely tough; whereas, my mother was much more tender than tough. So it was a little confusing for me at times. They did their best with what they knew and meant well. When I became a mother myself, let's just say I had a little difficulty of finding my own path in becoming a parent.  But I am thankful for some wonderful teachers that God placed in my life: my husband, my children, and the Holy Ghost.

After some trial and error, I realized that we all need a balance of tough and tender love. It should be received in a positive manner that can enrich your life. Tough love can be shown through correction is necessary to help us to grow and change for the better. Tender love can be shown through support, nurturing, and compassion. Especially in child rearing, tough love is important to ensure that you gain respect from your children. And tenderness balances the unconditional love equation by letting them know that in spite of it all that they are valued and special.

So when the bible mentions speaking the truth in love, it does not necessarily mean that it is weak in your approach. Because even God has been tough in how He told the truth in love to His children.

"but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ." Ephesians 4:15 (NKJV)

"because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son." Hebrews 12:6 (NIV)

"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent." Revelation 3:19 (NIV)

The goal of real love is that it sure help you grow up and mature.  So I am grateful for the teachers God placed in my life that know how to both show me tough love to empower me and tender love to value me.  In a positive sense, it's the best of both worlds. So again I say, all we need is love. Real love...

Once again from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I Stand Alone...

When I came home yesterday, I noticed a white flower that sprouted up in our front yard. There was something about that flower that caught my attention. It stood alone. There were no other flowers next to it or any weeds around it.  In fact, all that surrounded it was some dull grass, leaves, and dirt. It was opened with its pure white petals beautifully showing. No blemishes at all. Simply pure and beautiful in its essence, yet it stands alone.

Just like that flower, I felt like I have stood alone, being a strange girl and all. As believers of God, we should be able to set ourselves apart from the rest in our lifestyle and character. It shows in how we treat people, in our faithfulness, in our relationships and so on. If you are truly living holy and being obedient, then just like that flower you do stand alone. I have to admit when it comes to living for God that sometimes it can be a lonely road. Don't think you are going to have everyone go along with you when you stand up for holiness and obedience.

"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:13-16.

Let me say this. Holiness is not about wardrobe or looking a certain way. It's a lifestyle and character that expresses the true image of God. It might appear strange to others as far as how you act or carry yourself. Or why you choose to not participate in certain functions or go to awkward places or not cursing someone when you know they just offended you. So when your life and behavior are in line with the Spirit of God, you can't help but stand out because it His light that is shining in you.  Don't be afraid to stand alone. And besides, always remember, God has your back anyway.

So until next time...peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Thursday, February 28, 2013

There is Greater in You...

I was working as a HR Coordinator at a nursing home back in 2007. During the first year, I worked very closely with my supervisor and challenged myself to learn all I could regarding my job as well as what she did in her position. After about 2 years, my supervisor recommended to the senior management of the company that I should be promoted to HR Supervisor. They all agreed. Once my HR Director told me this, I said to her "Are you sure about this?" She said to me, "Yes, because your work has proven itself to be excellent and enough for you to be considered for this promotion. I know you may not have the supervisory experience now. But you do possess all the qualities to succeed." And with her help and guidance, I found myself growing into a strong and confident HR Supervisor responsible for managing three locations within the company. After a year hiatus, I was able to return to the same comapny doing similar job duties as I had before.

Let's be honest. Sometimes, we are not completely aware of all that we are capable of doing. I am understanding that when God created us that He was well aware of our imperfections. At that time, He never looked at our imperfections as being a negative. Of course, most of us look at it that way, but not God. In fact in His mind, you are a good idea."Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good..." Genesis 1:31 (NKJV).

So if you are a good idea, then God also knows that He has room in you do much greater.  Room to grow. Room to succeed. Room to be better. We can not settle for just what we think we can do. We have to allow room for God to challenge us to grow up in Him and birth out much more.

Because if there is no limit to God, then there is no limit to the possibility of what we are able to do.  So, keep a positive mind about it. Don't worry about if you have never done it before, or the fact that it has never been done before. Allow it to be an opportunity for God to do His greater in you.

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." I John 4:4

Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House

P.S. There is no comparison to you because you are strange and peculiar just as God wants you to be!

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Monday, February 25, 2013

You Make Me Better...

There is a song that rapper Fabolous and R&B singer Ne-Yo did together called "You Make Me Better." The chorus says "I am a movement by myself. But we are force when we are together. Baby I'm good all by myself, but you make me better." I used this song once as a ringtone for my husband, whenever he called my cell phone. Don't trip on me saints of God...I know it is secular song, but I am making a point.

Truth is, I used to think because of being so hurt before that I did not need anyone's help for anything. I felt like I had to know it all, do it all and be it all. It was when I met my husband that God gave me that I realized that I did not have to be so perfect. That is because he loves and accepts me unconditionally.  I believe my husband brings out the best in me because he helps me. He enhances my life by complimenting my weaknesses with his strengths. And I finally understand now that we are stronger together than apart...

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)

After studying this scripture, I now understand the reason the enemy fights against God-ordained marriage so much. He knows that with the husband and wife together that they pose a greater threat to his kingdom. "How could one person chase a thousand of them, and two people put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up?" Deuteronomy 32:30 (NLT)

This not only applies to marriage, but to any God-Ordained connections in your life (e.g. Pastor, church body, covenant friends).  I have discovered that living in isolation that may have resulted from past hurt or misunderstanding is a prime situation for the devil to divide and conquer. He will always aim for the weaker of the two to see if can stir up some strife to cause a separation. But I have learned that isolation is not a key to success. In fact, isolation encourages you to not be honest about your weaknesses or flaws. But yet God set things up that way so that we as the body of Christ can all be a help to each other where the one is weak so we can stronger as a unit. But if you are struggling with your own insecurities, you will not know how to appreciate the value of someone that compliments you and can be helpful to you in area where you need strength.

We as the body of Christ, I believe have gotten away from the true blessings of fellowship amongst each other such as strength and wisdom. We have to know that we are stronger and better together and can accomplish so much more for God than if we were apart. So, let's not insecurity, intimidation, or any other schism prevent us from coming together and meshing our strengths and weaknesses for the common goal of all us being successful in fulfilling our God-given purpose.

Peace and Blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Value of Your Gift...

When I was younger, my father use to always say that common sense is better than book sense. As I have grown up in life, I have been blessed with several gifts and talents. But I have to say that common sense was not a strength of mine. I was quite sheltered growing up so I was not afforded a lot of life experiences early on. For a long time, I used to be insecure and thought of myself not valuable because of it. In my mind, I thought of common sense as a coveted prize that I was always chasing after to win.

One day, my husband and I were talking and he said something that blew my mind right out of the water. "Common sense is a God-given gift. You're either born with it or not." Now, listen everyone. I know you are thinking that if you lived life long enough that you should have some common sense right? But that is not always the case. Why is that? I know of people that are much older in age and they can still act like they have no good sense. Let's be real, you know the ones I am talking about :-)

After searching the scriptures, I realized that common sense (wisdom) is a gift.  So what does the word of God say about His gifts? "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17 (NKJV)

Now for me, that brought up another question. Does God regard one gift more highly than another? The answer is no. The scripture does not say that one gift is more valuable than another. I read in a blog written by Elder Neil Phelan, Jr., called On the Bible and Faith, said "That is why every gift should be coveted and appreciated as a unique and individual gift from the Father and used for its intended purpose. They are all important and necessary for the benefit of the body of Christ."

I know my father meant well by what he said to me, but he was not entirely correct. That may have been what he learned from his experience, but it does not fall in line with the word of God. It is clear that God does not regard wisdom more than healing; or helps more than administration. In God's eyes, each and every gift He gives is esteemed as good and perfect.  This encouraged me because it let me know that I did not have to feel inadequate nor feel intimidated by someone who possessed certain gifts that I do not have.

For example, my husband and I understand that we are a team. We have learned how to mesh our strengths and weaknesses for the common good.  We both recognize and appreciate the value in each of our own uniqueness (or strangeness, LOL) in our gifts and talents even the more.

So I encourage you to not sit on the gifts and talents that God has given you. Allow them to flourish in your life because the gifts are not for you. There are for you to be blessing and help to someone else and to the Body of Christ. Build your confidence on God's word to have faith in Him that what He did concerning you was for His purpose.

Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love, Honor and Obey...

Is it really strange to love, honor, and that last part obey? Yes, obey. I will admit that for the first couple of years of my marriage that I had a little trouble with obeying my husband. In my mind, submission was something that sounded like a death sentence. I am being real here. OK, I know it sounds a little dramatic, but you have to consider what I have experienced. It took time for me to build back the ability to trust good leadership in my life.

In my past, I did not have the best when it came to men in my life that considered themselves to be leaders. I am talking about from fathers (natural and spiritual), ex-husbands, and even former pastors. It just seemed like although they had certain gifts and talents for leadership. They did the best they could do. But it seemed like they were lacking that one thing: the Heart of God to love people. For example, I had one former Pastor that was very condescending and non-supportive of my decision to get a divorce. When I explained the reason [it was an abusive relationship], he was so passive and nonchalant as if what I was going through did not even matter to him. As a result, I endured some great hurt from the church.

I heard Co-Pastor Susie Owens say once that there are three characteristics to a great leader: character, integrity, and love for people. If you have love, you would not want to hurt, manipulate or degrade people. In that, I had to finally forgive the men in my past who did not have the heart of God for me and finally receive the husband that does have the heart of God to lead me in love.

God's order in loving, honoring and obeying our husbands is the best. In turn, I learned how to submit and trust my husband regardless of the decisions he chose to make. Even when I had to give up my need to be right for the greater good of the relationship.  OK, I know it seems strange nowadays because naturally most women do not want to do this. But this strange girl finally got the message. Here it is, pay attention now:  "God is not so concerned about our happiness as He is about us living holy and being obedient." It is through having a holy and obedient that you can truly experience happiness and joy as God intended. This way of thinking maybe considered strange among average people, but in God's plan it works quite well. Check out the stories of Esther and Ruth in the bible.

In Luke 9:28, Jesus tells his disciples that "...For he who is the least among you all will be great." In other words, even the greatest of people know how to humble themselves to learn, grow, and even become better than what they are.

To all my strange girls who are married out there, if you know your husband is who God truly meant for you and has the Heart of God for you, go ahead and love, honor, and obey. You might find that men like these traits in us women and find it very sexy and attractive you know :-)

If you are not married, it is still an attractive quality to love, honor, and obey the Lord and those who He has placed over you as unto the Lord (e.g. supervisors, Pastors). For us strange and peculiar people, it is worth it to just humble ourselves and obey. It makes things in life so much easier and has so much more benefits.

Please feel free to post your comments and feedback about my blog, The Chronicles of a Strange Girl here or email me at twannapg@gmail.com. 

Peace and blessings,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Strange Love...

Today is Valentine's Day. It is that special day that we all celebrate the power of love and those that we love dearly. Now, I have to say that I have had some experiences when love has been the reason for me doing some strange things. I am sure you could say the same, probably more than you even care to admit, LOL.

Speaking of that, I have wondered in the past because I was such a strange girl if anyone would even love me. When I was growing up, I used to think I had to conform to be something other than my strange self in order to be loved and accepted. For years even into adulthood and marriage, I still thought that way. Is it natural to lose yourself to feel love? Really? Come on now.
Let's be real. What is the benefit in becoming something you're not to be loved? That's not real love. Real love takes into account all of who you are. The strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, and so on. Not 3/4's not 7/8's. All of you. Just as God accepted you for you.Think about it. His love is unconditional. Really, we can only love others unconditionally with the help and strength of God alone. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19 

In turn, God was the only one to give me His reflection of love for me in the Earth through my husband, Derian. What can I say? He blessed me with a strange, yet extraordinary man that loves me in ways that are absolutely incredible. So much so, it changed my life completely to the place that now I did not have to lose myself to be loved. I could just be, strange even. So on this Valentine's Day, I thank God for loving me so unconditionally and not giving up on me. And to the love of my life, Derian, I love you for so much for having the Heart of God to love me. Even with my strange ways at times, your love endured to help us both get to the beautiful life.

Bishop Derian and Elder Twanna House

Have a happy and blessed Valentine's Day!
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House