Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Need to Separate

Sometimes rejection is a good thing, especially when it pushes you closer to God. In the light of His wisdom, you realize that the people who rejected you were the ones that did not have the Heart of God for you in the first place. You really don't need them.

So in order to move forward into His purpose, you have to be willing to cut ties from what is unnecessary. What do I mean? There is a need to separate...
"And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine." Leviticus 20:26

If God has called you to greatness in Him, separation is a requirement. Just look at the stories of Abraham separated from his kindred to become the "father of many nations" (Genesis 12). Moses was separated at birth to become part of Pharoah's family and later called by God to be deliverer of the Hebrew people out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus 2). And even Joseph was separated from his brothers and sold into slavery but eventually become second in command to Pharoah and was key in being the deliverer of his family during a time of famine (Genesis 37).

Based on the Word of God, I now understand how I now know I was called to greatness. I was separated from my birth mother at 3 days old. Then, I was adopted by my father (now deceased) and mother, both Christian parents and Pastor and First Lady respectively.  After all the growing pains and experiences I had in life, it was all purposed for me to become great in God. Look at me now. I am a wife of a wonderful husband and Bishop, mother of three beautiful children, an Elder and Elect-Lady in the church, and a business owner, founder of a women's ministry, and also a blog creator/author.  Can you say WOW?!!!

Here is a lesson I learned.  If you are connected to people that seemed to be source of negativity and confusion in your life, LET IT GO! It does not matter if it is family, long time friends, or whatever. You have to decide what is more important to you as a servant of God. Is His purpose more important or preserving a familiar relationship? Really?  Family, we are living in a time that we can not afford to compromise our holy and obedient living.
Personally, I had to embrace the fact that sometimes that family does not love you like you need to be. I have learned (I am sure you have too...) that God can place people in your life to love you as He desires. They can treat you better than your own family. I know it's the truth. If anything, we learn that we should appreciate those who really love of us for real with God in their hearts (i.e. the ones who tell you the truth and still love you anyway :-)

In order to do so, you must come out from amongst them. Put an end officially to the confusion, distress, and the drama. It's time to separate and stand out for God...

Blessings and peace from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House


  1. Christians are called to be a "peculiar people" and it sounds as if you have thrived in your peculiar-ness, Twanna! Blessings-

    1. Amy G, thank you so much. I am so humbled to know that it's OK to be pecuilar and love God not to conform to what is considered normal in society today. I hope pray that you are striving as well in your peculiar-ness too. Blessings upon you.
