I was working as a HR Coordinator at a nursing home back in 2007. During the first year, I worked very closely with my supervisor and challenged myself to learn all I could regarding my job as well as what she did in her position. After about 2 years, my supervisor recommended to the senior management of the company that I should be promoted to HR Supervisor. They all agreed. Once my HR Director told me this, I said to her "Are you sure about this?" She said to me, "Yes, because your work has proven itself to be excellent and enough for you to be considered for this promotion. I know you may not have the supervisory experience now. But you do possess all the qualities to succeed." And with her help and guidance, I found myself growing into a strong and confident HR Supervisor responsible for managing three locations within the company. After a year hiatus, I was able to return to the same comapny doing similar job duties as I had before.
Let's be honest. Sometimes, we are not completely aware of all that we are capable of doing. I am understanding that when God created us that He was well aware of our imperfections. At that time, He never looked at our imperfections as being a negative. Of course, most of us look at it that way, but not God. In fact in His mind, you are a good idea."Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good..." Genesis 1:31 (NKJV).
So if you are a good idea, then God also knows that He has room in you do much greater. Room to grow. Room to succeed. Room to be better. We can not settle for just what we think we can do. We have to allow room for God to challenge us to grow up in Him and birth out much more.
Because if there is no limit to God, then there is no limit to the possibility of what we are able to do. So, keep a positive mind about it. Don't worry about if you have never done it before, or the fact that it has never been done before. Allow it to be an opportunity for God to do His greater in you.
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." I John 4:4
Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
P.S. There is no comparison to you because you are strange and peculiar just as God wants you to be!
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
Awesome post!