Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love, Honor and Obey...

Is it really strange to love, honor, and that last part obey? Yes, obey. I will admit that for the first couple of years of my marriage that I had a little trouble with obeying my husband. In my mind, submission was something that sounded like a death sentence. I am being real here. OK, I know it sounds a little dramatic, but you have to consider what I have experienced. It took time for me to build back the ability to trust good leadership in my life.

In my past, I did not have the best when it came to men in my life that considered themselves to be leaders. I am talking about from fathers (natural and spiritual), ex-husbands, and even former pastors. It just seemed like although they had certain gifts and talents for leadership. They did the best they could do. But it seemed like they were lacking that one thing: the Heart of God to love people. For example, I had one former Pastor that was very condescending and non-supportive of my decision to get a divorce. When I explained the reason [it was an abusive relationship], he was so passive and nonchalant as if what I was going through did not even matter to him. As a result, I endured some great hurt from the church.

I heard Co-Pastor Susie Owens say once that there are three characteristics to a great leader: character, integrity, and love for people. If you have love, you would not want to hurt, manipulate or degrade people. In that, I had to finally forgive the men in my past who did not have the heart of God for me and finally receive the husband that does have the heart of God to lead me in love.

God's order in loving, honoring and obeying our husbands is the best. In turn, I learned how to submit and trust my husband regardless of the decisions he chose to make. Even when I had to give up my need to be right for the greater good of the relationship.  OK, I know it seems strange nowadays because naturally most women do not want to do this. But this strange girl finally got the message. Here it is, pay attention now:  "God is not so concerned about our happiness as He is about us living holy and being obedient." It is through having a holy and obedient that you can truly experience happiness and joy as God intended. This way of thinking maybe considered strange among average people, but in God's plan it works quite well. Check out the stories of Esther and Ruth in the bible.

In Luke 9:28, Jesus tells his disciples that "...For he who is the least among you all will be great." In other words, even the greatest of people know how to humble themselves to learn, grow, and even become better than what they are.

To all my strange girls who are married out there, if you know your husband is who God truly meant for you and has the Heart of God for you, go ahead and love, honor, and obey. You might find that men like these traits in us women and find it very sexy and attractive you know :-)

If you are not married, it is still an attractive quality to love, honor, and obey the Lord and those who He has placed over you as unto the Lord (e.g. supervisors, Pastors). For us strange and peculiar people, it is worth it to just humble ourselves and obey. It makes things in life so much easier and has so much more benefits.

Please feel free to post your comments and feedback about my blog, The Chronicles of a Strange Girl here or email me at 

Peace and blessings,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

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