Thursday, February 14, 2013

Strange Love...

Today is Valentine's Day. It is that special day that we all celebrate the power of love and those that we love dearly. Now, I have to say that I have had some experiences when love has been the reason for me doing some strange things. I am sure you could say the same, probably more than you even care to admit, LOL.

Speaking of that, I have wondered in the past because I was such a strange girl if anyone would even love me. When I was growing up, I used to think I had to conform to be something other than my strange self in order to be loved and accepted. For years even into adulthood and marriage, I still thought that way. Is it natural to lose yourself to feel love? Really? Come on now.
Let's be real. What is the benefit in becoming something you're not to be loved? That's not real love. Real love takes into account all of who you are. The strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, and so on. Not 3/4's not 7/8's. All of you. Just as God accepted you for you.Think about it. His love is unconditional. Really, we can only love others unconditionally with the help and strength of God alone. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19 

In turn, God was the only one to give me His reflection of love for me in the Earth through my husband, Derian. What can I say? He blessed me with a strange, yet extraordinary man that loves me in ways that are absolutely incredible. So much so, it changed my life completely to the place that now I did not have to lose myself to be loved. I could just be, strange even. So on this Valentine's Day, I thank God for loving me so unconditionally and not giving up on me. And to the love of my life, Derian, I love you for so much for having the Heart of God to love me. Even with my strange ways at times, your love endured to help us both get to the beautiful life.

Bishop Derian and Elder Twanna House

Have a happy and blessed Valentine's Day!
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

1 comment:

  1. A good reminder for all of us. Glad you have found a way to be happy and strange and genuine! Happy Valentine's Day!
