I was working as a HR Coordinator at a nursing home back in 2007. During the first year, I worked very closely with my supervisor and challenged myself to learn all I could regarding my job as well as what she did in her position. After about 2 years, my supervisor recommended to the senior management of the company that I should be promoted to HR Supervisor. They all agreed. Once my HR Director told me this, I said to her "Are you sure about this?" She said to me, "Yes, because your work has proven itself to be excellent and enough for you to be considered for this promotion. I know you may not have the supervisory experience now. But you do possess all the qualities to succeed." And with her help and guidance, I found myself growing into a strong and confident HR Supervisor responsible for managing three locations within the company. After a year hiatus, I was able to return to the same comapny doing similar job duties as I had before.
Let's be honest. Sometimes, we are not completely aware of all that we are capable of doing. I am understanding that when God created us that He was well aware of our imperfections. At that time, He never looked at our imperfections as being a negative. Of course, most of us look at it that way, but not God. In fact in His mind, you are a good idea."Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good..." Genesis 1:31 (NKJV).
So if you are a good idea, then God also knows that He has room in you do much greater. Room to grow. Room to succeed. Room to be better. We can not settle for just what we think we can do. We have to allow room for God to challenge us to grow up in Him and birth out much more.
Because if there is no limit to God, then there is no limit to the possibility of what we are able to do. So, keep a positive mind about it. Don't worry about if you have never done it before, or the fact that it has never been done before. Allow it to be an opportunity for God to do His greater in you.
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." I John 4:4
Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
P.S. There is no comparison to you because you are strange and peculiar just as God wants you to be!
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
A blog dedicated to celebrating and encouraging the generation of people God called to be different and unique. Stand out! Be you with all your strangeness!...I Peter 2:9
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
You Make Me Better...
There is a song that rapper Fabolous and R&B singer Ne-Yo did together called "You Make Me Better." The chorus says "I am a movement by myself. But we are force when we are together. Baby I'm good all by myself, but you make me better." I used this song once as a ringtone for my husband, whenever he called my cell phone. Don't trip on me saints of God...I know it is secular song, but I am making a point.
Truth is, I used to think because of being so hurt before that I did not need anyone's help for anything. I felt like I had to know it all, do it all and be it all. It was when I met my husband that God gave me that I realized that I did not have to be so perfect. That is because he loves and accepts me unconditionally. I believe my husband brings out the best in me because he helps me. He enhances my life by complimenting my weaknesses with his strengths. And I finally understand now that we are stronger together than apart...
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)
After studying this scripture, I now understand the reason the enemy fights against God-ordained marriage so much. He knows that with the husband and wife together that they pose a greater threat to his kingdom. "How could one person chase a thousand of them, and two people put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up?" Deuteronomy 32:30 (NLT)
This not only applies to marriage, but to any God-Ordained connections in your life (e.g. Pastor, church body, covenant friends). I have discovered that living in isolation that may have resulted from past hurt or misunderstanding is a prime situation for the devil to divide and conquer. He will always aim for the weaker of the two to see if can stir up some strife to cause a separation. But I have learned that isolation is not a key to success. In fact, isolation encourages you to not be honest about your weaknesses or flaws. But yet God set things up that way so that we as the body of Christ can all be a help to each other where the one is weak so we can stronger as a unit. But if you are struggling with your own insecurities, you will not know how to appreciate the value of someone that compliments you and can be helpful to you in area where you need strength.
We as the body of Christ, I believe have gotten away from the true blessings of fellowship amongst each other such as strength and wisdom. We have to know that we are stronger and better together and can accomplish so much more for God than if we were apart. So, let's not insecurity, intimidation, or any other schism prevent us from coming together and meshing our strengths and weaknesses for the common goal of all us being successful in fulfilling our God-given purpose.
Peace and Blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
Truth is, I used to think because of being so hurt before that I did not need anyone's help for anything. I felt like I had to know it all, do it all and be it all. It was when I met my husband that God gave me that I realized that I did not have to be so perfect. That is because he loves and accepts me unconditionally. I believe my husband brings out the best in me because he helps me. He enhances my life by complimenting my weaknesses with his strengths. And I finally understand now that we are stronger together than apart...
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)
After studying this scripture, I now understand the reason the enemy fights against God-ordained marriage so much. He knows that with the husband and wife together that they pose a greater threat to his kingdom. "How could one person chase a thousand of them, and two people put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up?" Deuteronomy 32:30 (NLT)
This not only applies to marriage, but to any God-Ordained connections in your life (e.g. Pastor, church body, covenant friends). I have discovered that living in isolation that may have resulted from past hurt or misunderstanding is a prime situation for the devil to divide and conquer. He will always aim for the weaker of the two to see if can stir up some strife to cause a separation. But I have learned that isolation is not a key to success. In fact, isolation encourages you to not be honest about your weaknesses or flaws. But yet God set things up that way so that we as the body of Christ can all be a help to each other where the one is weak so we can stronger as a unit. But if you are struggling with your own insecurities, you will not know how to appreciate the value of someone that compliments you and can be helpful to you in area where you need strength.
We as the body of Christ, I believe have gotten away from the true blessings of fellowship amongst each other such as strength and wisdom. We have to know that we are stronger and better together and can accomplish so much more for God than if we were apart. So, let's not insecurity, intimidation, or any other schism prevent us from coming together and meshing our strengths and weaknesses for the common goal of all us being successful in fulfilling our God-given purpose.
Peace and Blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Value of Your Gift...
When I was younger, my father use to always say that common sense is better than book sense. As I have grown up in life, I have been blessed with several gifts and talents. But I have to say that common sense was not a strength of mine. I was quite sheltered growing up so I was not afforded a lot of life experiences early on. For a long time, I used to be insecure and thought of myself not valuable because of it. In my mind, I thought of common sense as a coveted prize that I was always chasing after to win.
One day, my husband and I were talking and he said something that blew my mind right out of the water. "Common sense is a God-given gift. You're either born with it or not." Now, listen everyone. I know you are thinking that if you lived life long enough that you should have some common sense right? But that is not always the case. Why is that? I know of people that are much older in age and they can still act like they have no good sense. Let's be real, you know the ones I am talking about :-)
After searching the scriptures, I realized that common sense (wisdom) is a gift. So what does the word of God say about His gifts? "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17 (NKJV)
Now for me, that brought up another question. Does God regard one gift more highly than another? The answer is no. The scripture does not say that one gift is more valuable than another. I read in a blog written by Elder Neil Phelan, Jr., called On the Bible and Faith, said "That is why every gift should be coveted and appreciated as a unique and individual gift from the Father and used for its intended purpose. They are all important and necessary for the benefit of the body of Christ."
I know my father meant well by what he said to me, but he was not entirely correct. That may have been what he learned from his experience, but it does not fall in line with the word of God. It is clear that God does not regard wisdom more than healing; or helps more than administration. In God's eyes, each and every gift He gives is esteemed as good and perfect. This encouraged me because it let me know that I did not have to feel inadequate nor feel intimidated by someone who possessed certain gifts that I do not have.
For example, my husband and I understand that we are a team. We have learned how to mesh our strengths and weaknesses for the common good. We both recognize and appreciate the value in each of our own uniqueness (or strangeness, LOL) in our gifts and talents even the more.
So I encourage you to not sit on the gifts and talents that God has given you. Allow them to flourish in your life because the gifts are not for you. There are for you to be blessing and help to someone else and to the Body of Christ. Build your confidence on God's word to have faith in Him that what He did concerning you was for His purpose.
Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
One day, my husband and I were talking and he said something that blew my mind right out of the water. "Common sense is a God-given gift. You're either born with it or not." Now, listen everyone. I know you are thinking that if you lived life long enough that you should have some common sense right? But that is not always the case. Why is that? I know of people that are much older in age and they can still act like they have no good sense. Let's be real, you know the ones I am talking about :-)
After searching the scriptures, I realized that common sense (wisdom) is a gift. So what does the word of God say about His gifts? "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17 (NKJV)
Now for me, that brought up another question. Does God regard one gift more highly than another? The answer is no. The scripture does not say that one gift is more valuable than another. I read in a blog written by Elder Neil Phelan, Jr., called On the Bible and Faith, said "That is why every gift should be coveted and appreciated as a unique and individual gift from the Father and used for its intended purpose. They are all important and necessary for the benefit of the body of Christ."
I know my father meant well by what he said to me, but he was not entirely correct. That may have been what he learned from his experience, but it does not fall in line with the word of God. It is clear that God does not regard wisdom more than healing; or helps more than administration. In God's eyes, each and every gift He gives is esteemed as good and perfect. This encouraged me because it let me know that I did not have to feel inadequate nor feel intimidated by someone who possessed certain gifts that I do not have.
For example, my husband and I understand that we are a team. We have learned how to mesh our strengths and weaknesses for the common good. We both recognize and appreciate the value in each of our own uniqueness (or strangeness, LOL) in our gifts and talents even the more.
So I encourage you to not sit on the gifts and talents that God has given you. Allow them to flourish in your life because the gifts are not for you. There are for you to be blessing and help to someone else and to the Body of Christ. Build your confidence on God's word to have faith in Him that what He did concerning you was for His purpose.
Peace and blessings from your Strange Girl,
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Love, Honor and Obey...
Is it really strange to love, honor, and that last part obey? Yes, obey. I will admit that for the first couple of years of my marriage that I had a little trouble with obeying my husband. In my mind, submission was something that sounded like a death sentence. I am being real here. OK, I know it sounds a little dramatic, but you have to consider what I have experienced. It took time for me to build back the ability to trust good leadership in my life.
In my past, I did not have the best when it came to men in my life that considered themselves to be leaders. I am talking about from fathers (natural and spiritual), ex-husbands, and even former pastors. It just seemed like although they had certain gifts and talents for leadership. They did the best they could do. But it seemed like they were lacking that one thing: the Heart of God to love people. For example, I had one former Pastor that was very condescending and non-supportive of my decision to get a divorce. When I explained the reason [it was an abusive relationship], he was so passive and nonchalant as if what I was going through did not even matter to him. As a result, I endured some great hurt from the church.
I heard Co-Pastor Susie Owens say once that there are three characteristics to a great leader: character, integrity, and love for people. If you have love, you would not want to hurt, manipulate or degrade people. In that, I had to finally forgive the men in my past who did not have the heart of God for me and finally receive the husband that does have the heart of God to lead me in love.
God's order in loving, honoring and obeying our husbands is the best. In turn, I learned how to submit and trust my husband regardless of the decisions he chose to make. Even when I had to give up my need to be right for the greater good of the relationship. OK, I know it seems strange nowadays because naturally most women do not want to do this. But this strange girl finally got the message. Here it is, pay attention now: "God is not so concerned about our happiness as He is about us living holy and being obedient." It is through having a holy and obedient that you can truly experience happiness and joy as God intended. This way of thinking maybe considered strange among average people, but in God's plan it works quite well. Check out the stories of Esther and Ruth in the bible.
In Luke 9:28, Jesus tells his disciples that "...For he who is the least among you all will be great." In other words, even the greatest of people know how to humble themselves to learn, grow, and even become better than what they are.
To all my strange girls who are married out there, if you know your husband is who God truly meant for you and has the Heart of God for you, go ahead and love, honor, and obey. You might find that men like these traits in us women and find it very sexy and attractive you know :-)
If you are not married, it is still an attractive quality to love, honor, and obey the Lord and those who He has placed over you as unto the Lord (e.g. supervisors, Pastors). For us strange and peculiar people, it is worth it to just humble ourselves and obey. It makes things in life so much easier and has so much more benefits.
Please feel free to post your comments and feedback about my blog, The Chronicles of a Strange Girl here or email me at twannapg@gmail.com.
Peace and blessings,
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
In my past, I did not have the best when it came to men in my life that considered themselves to be leaders. I am talking about from fathers (natural and spiritual), ex-husbands, and even former pastors. It just seemed like although they had certain gifts and talents for leadership. They did the best they could do. But it seemed like they were lacking that one thing: the Heart of God to love people. For example, I had one former Pastor that was very condescending and non-supportive of my decision to get a divorce. When I explained the reason [it was an abusive relationship], he was so passive and nonchalant as if what I was going through did not even matter to him. As a result, I endured some great hurt from the church.
I heard Co-Pastor Susie Owens say once that there are three characteristics to a great leader: character, integrity, and love for people. If you have love, you would not want to hurt, manipulate or degrade people. In that, I had to finally forgive the men in my past who did not have the heart of God for me and finally receive the husband that does have the heart of God to lead me in love.
God's order in loving, honoring and obeying our husbands is the best. In turn, I learned how to submit and trust my husband regardless of the decisions he chose to make. Even when I had to give up my need to be right for the greater good of the relationship. OK, I know it seems strange nowadays because naturally most women do not want to do this. But this strange girl finally got the message. Here it is, pay attention now: "God is not so concerned about our happiness as He is about us living holy and being obedient." It is through having a holy and obedient that you can truly experience happiness and joy as God intended. This way of thinking maybe considered strange among average people, but in God's plan it works quite well. Check out the stories of Esther and Ruth in the bible.
In Luke 9:28, Jesus tells his disciples that "...For he who is the least among you all will be great." In other words, even the greatest of people know how to humble themselves to learn, grow, and even become better than what they are.
To all my strange girls who are married out there, if you know your husband is who God truly meant for you and has the Heart of God for you, go ahead and love, honor, and obey. You might find that men like these traits in us women and find it very sexy and attractive you know :-)
If you are not married, it is still an attractive quality to love, honor, and obey the Lord and those who He has placed over you as unto the Lord (e.g. supervisors, Pastors). For us strange and peculiar people, it is worth it to just humble ourselves and obey. It makes things in life so much easier and has so much more benefits.
Please feel free to post your comments and feedback about my blog, The Chronicles of a Strange Girl here or email me at twannapg@gmail.com.
Peace and blessings,
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Strange Love...
Today is Valentine's Day. It is that special day that we all celebrate the power of love and those that we love dearly. Now, I have to say that I have had some experiences when love has been the reason for me doing some strange things. I am sure you could say the same, probably more than you even care to admit, LOL.
Speaking of that, I have wondered in the past because I was such a strange girl if anyone would even love me. When I was growing up, I used to think I had to conform to be something other than my strange self in order to be loved and accepted. For years even into adulthood and marriage, I still thought that way. Is it natural to lose yourself to feel love? Really? Come on now.
Let's be real. What is the benefit in becoming something you're not to be loved? That's not real love. Real love takes into account all of who you are. The strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, and so on. Not 3/4's not 7/8's. All of you. Just as God accepted you for you.Think about it. His love is unconditional. Really, we can only love others unconditionally with the help and strength of God alone. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
In turn, God was the only one to give me His reflection of love for me in the Earth through my husband, Derian. What can I say? He blessed me with a strange, yet extraordinary man that loves me in ways that are absolutely incredible. So much so, it changed my life completely to the place that now I did not have to lose myself to be loved. I could just be, strange even. So on this Valentine's Day, I thank God for loving me so unconditionally and not giving up on me. And to the love of my life, Derian, I love you for so much for having the Heart of God to love me. Even with my strange ways at times, your love endured to help us both get to the beautiful life.
Have a happy and blessed Valentine's Day!
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
Speaking of that, I have wondered in the past because I was such a strange girl if anyone would even love me. When I was growing up, I used to think I had to conform to be something other than my strange self in order to be loved and accepted. For years even into adulthood and marriage, I still thought that way. Is it natural to lose yourself to feel love? Really? Come on now.
Let's be real. What is the benefit in becoming something you're not to be loved? That's not real love. Real love takes into account all of who you are. The strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, and so on. Not 3/4's not 7/8's. All of you. Just as God accepted you for you.Think about it. His love is unconditional. Really, we can only love others unconditionally with the help and strength of God alone. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
In turn, God was the only one to give me His reflection of love for me in the Earth through my husband, Derian. What can I say? He blessed me with a strange, yet extraordinary man that loves me in ways that are absolutely incredible. So much so, it changed my life completely to the place that now I did not have to lose myself to be loved. I could just be, strange even. So on this Valentine's Day, I thank God for loving me so unconditionally and not giving up on me. And to the love of my life, Derian, I love you for so much for having the Heart of God to love me. Even with my strange ways at times, your love endured to help us both get to the beautiful life.
Bishop Derian and Elder Twanna House
Have a happy and blessed Valentine's Day!
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
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