Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's Your Responsibility...

On Saturday, March 1st around 10:25am, a tragedy occurred here in my hometown, Pensacola, Florida. A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed himself in the head. When my husband (also my Pastor) and I heard about this, we decided to show forth our love and concern as a church to the bereaved family. We raised an offering to give to the family along with a card. Then, we contacted the County Sherriff's office to reach out to the family who lost their child. The Victim's Advocate was so pleasantly shocked that we wanted to help. In fact, they said we were the first ministry in the last 30 years to make an effort to do anything like this. The family was so shocked when we told them that they did not know how to receive it. Wow!! 

Pensacola is a city that has over 600 churches and ministries. It is amazing to me that we were the first ministry to reach out to this hurting family. Now, this makes me wonder if the leaders in the body of Christ are mindful of this gospel that they carry. We do have a purpose to minister Christ to all. Not just at church, but to everyone. Have we lost sight of the fact that we as believers have a responsibility to those who don't know Him?  "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

It is our responsibility to show forth the light of God's love through our lifestyle. But some of us so-called believers have allowed life and worldly ideals to overshadow that light. We, as the church, need a reality check and accept responsibility that comes with being true believers of God. Guess what? You  are responsible. You don't have to be a Pastor, Bishop, Elder or have any title. Once you accepted Christ, you now are a carrier of His Gospel in your heart and have the responsibility to share your great testimony for others to hear and see. Remember, we do have an audience that is watching and waiting on us to own up to our responsibility. Let's rise up church and not keep them waiting.

(C) 2014. The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

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