Monday, January 13, 2014

Humility...Not For Wimps

2014 is finally here. I can say that already it has presented its set of challenges. However, I have come to understand that tests and trials are necessary. Through them, you find out where you really are and how much you have grown. Well, some I have passed. And some others, I see I have growing up to do. Ironically, I gained a very powerful key to access great things that God can manifest in my life. So, what is it? Humility.  I promise you I did not just curse at you (LOL). I'll say it
again, "humility" - the quality or state of being humble; modest opinion of one's own importance or rank; meekness.

How is humility a powerful key? Well, let's look at James 4:6, "But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."  The word "grace" in this passage comes from the word "charis" in the Greek meaning "favor, grace, wisdom and strength." So, humility is not a sign of weakness. I am quite sure Jesus was not a wimp in all the persecution, anguish, and suffering He endured all the way to cross. And yet, His humility towards God was the key to access the unquestionable strength and grace needed to carry out His purpose.
 For me, I have learned to humble myself willingly as much as possible rather than being forced.  You know what I mean. Especially when you have been tried by someone that don't even know you, they curse you out when you have not done anything intentional to offend them. Help me Holy Ghost!! I had to humble myself in the moment and think, "God could fight a lot more battles for me if I keep my mouth closed (so as to avoid saying something foolish).

It takes great strength to humble yourself to access the power of self-control, a slice of the fruit of spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Therefore, I chose to keep a calm demeanor, walk away from the situation, and say nothing else. When I did, I realized that God had done a great work in me. It was through the testing of my faith that God showed me I was not so weak after all. In fact, it is usually the person that acts out of character that is weak more than the person that shows self-control and humility. So, humility is not for wimps. It is for those that know where there true strength God.

(c) 2014   The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

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