Next month in June, my youngest son, Josiah will be turning 2 years old. It feels like yesterday when he was born into this life. I remember all the things I had to endure throughout my nine months of pregnancy: having surgery to prevent pre-mature labor, sleepless nights, feeling irritated and uncomfortable. However, I would not trade anything that I have been through. When the moment came on June 13th, 2011 in the evening, I felt the pressure. I felt like I was at my end because I was tired and exhausted from being up and down all day at the hospital. But within 30 minutes of pushing with all I had, I gave one final push that brought forth the beautiful gift of my son.
I am sure that you mothers out there can relate to my experience in some way. Even if you are not a mother or do not have children, there is a sound nugget of wisdom to take from this moment in my life. When you have exhausted all options to help your negative situation be better, it seems like that would be the time to give up. You are at the point of no return. Rock bottom. There is no possible way to recover from it. Of course, this is the enemy's goal to make you think that there is no hope to overcome even the most difficult of situations that happen in our lives.
Jesus shares with His disciples in John 16:33 that in times of trouble that we should be happy. Really happy. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Even when we are at our lowest point in life, God is there. He has placed in us the strength of Christ to overcome anything. In fact, it is when you feel you do not have enough to go on that you dig deeper into the reservoir of your spirit and find the strength to make one final push. You have to be able to press past all that you have endured through being hurt, abused, sick, abandoned or whatever. You have to push past the resistance of the enemy to plague your mind with thoughts that it will always be this way. You possess the capacity to change it. Like me, I had to find a way to still keep looking up even when I was at my most broken in my heart. I had to find a way to believe God's word for real and take the power to overcome to push pass it all. Just like the glass ceiling, I finally broke through to the other side where the freedom and peace I longed for had been waiting for me.
So I pray that you all with find it in yourselves to not let life affect you to the point you feel you do not have enough to move on. Because of the overcoming strength found in Jesus, you do possess the power to give it one final push. So give it all you have. See how it feels when you get to the other side.
Peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House
(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House
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