Friday, March 29, 2013

A Deadly Co-Sign…

I have seen how Christians are so easy to co-sign on things in the world. It appears that society has certain standards dictating how we should live life. It seems some Christians feel like they are existing and not living only because they are missing out on all life can offer. But let me tell you. I have found that we, as the peculiar people of God, that we are not to look to the world for how we should live our lives. The standards are not the same.

I give you an example. In most recent news, the issue of same-sex marriage has risen all the way to the Supreme Court. Advocates who are for same-sex marriage believe they should have the same equal rights as of a heterosexual couple. According to a recent poll by CBS News,  53% of Americans support the legalization of same sex-marriages.

Check out this article from CBS News

So here is my concern. If Christians, (whether directly or indirectly) co-sign with the idea of marriage equality among same sex couples, it is dangerous path to follow. To be honest, we in the church have allowed homosexuality and lesbianism to become an acceptable lifestyle. OK, I know I am probably not going to get a lot of Amen's there. But it is all right. When it gets to the point that people are supporting churches that have a Pastor and a First Gentleman, something is wrong! It is like we have thrown out like a paper bag the foundational principles of our faith in God. And in our actions, we are saying it is all right to live any kind of way and God be OK with it. Well guess what? He is not.

As God's Strange Girl, one of the things I strongly believe in is standing up for what is right, even at the cost of standing alone.  It was when I started to embrace the standards of holiness in my life that things began to change for the better. Let me state for the record. I do love all people because I  have the Spirit of God in my heart for real. However, I can not and will not excuse a learned behavior like homosexuality or lesbianism when it is a sin just like any other. Just like Jesus, I am required to love the person but hate the sin.

As it says in Romans 6:23, "the wages of sin is death..." Church, when are we going to wake up and finally say that this is not holy and not pleasing to God? When are we going to stop co-signing with the world?  Let me help you to understand something. Even though you may not be committing the sin, but in your silence or by saying it is OK, you are co-signing with the sin. And according to the scripture, your wages for co-signing with sin is death. 

I challenge you people of God. Let's rise up and be the army of God that is not afraid to fight and maintain the standard of holiness. The Word of God says "marriage is honorable..." (Hebrews 13:4). Marriage that is between a man and woman that God has ordained to be together. It was God's original plan that He started in the beginning. He has not changed His mind. We must be careful not to co-sign with everything in the world. Our standards are different. They call for us to live outside of the box. But be encouraged. Through repentance, forgiveness, and restoration, God has a beautiful way of showing that you don't have to co-sign with the world in order to enjoy the fullness of life. For God is the source of life, isn't He?

Peace and blessings from your strange girl,
Elder Twanna House

(c) 2013 The Chronicles of a Strange Girl by Elder Twanna House

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Twanna. You are not only strange, but also very brave, in today's politically-correct world, to post your beliefs in this topic. I happen to belong to a church that does not condone homosexuality. The Bible's teachings on it are very clear, and if we actually know the Word, we'll know God's position on the matter. I appreciate your sticking your neck out. We are to be a peculiar people, after all, eh?
